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January 30, 2009 @ 2:22:00 AM

life's lesson #711
whenever and wherever there are fools, there will be cheats. SO BE SMART AND DON'T GET CHEATED.

life's lesson #29
clarify whenever in doubt. ASK and clear your doubts or risk paying a price later on. its a lot easier to just open your mouth and ask, than to assume things and regret them later. so why go through all this? just ASK.   

life's lesson #1512
extended members of your family are EXTENDED MEMBERS of your FAMILY. they can NEVER be your employer.

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January 26, 2009 @ 8:40:00 PM

Since, I didn't manage to set new year resolutions for the english New year, I decided to follow the year of the Ox this year. okay, yes, I'm indian and following the Chinese New year is weird, but the Tamil New year ( which ISN'T deepavali!!! ) is like in April. too late lah. So I will follow the CNY. 

and no, I'm not going to blog my resolutions for the whole world to see ( okay okay, hardly anyone comes to this blog) Instead, I'm going to blog about a few funny new year quotes I came across. 

  • "New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual." ~Mark Twain
How true right? Without fail, we always make new year resolutions. But how often do we stick by it? I already broke one of my new year resolutions on the first day itself!!
and I'm going to break another of my resolution by ending this post halfway. 

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January 17, 2009 @ 10:12:00 PM

you know the feeling/ have to do something and the next minute you completely forget what you intended to do? 

well, I'm experiencing that now. since, I can't seem to remember, I will go and eat. yes, and put on more weight. 


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January 14, 2009 @ 11:01:00 PM

boredom led char do to the quizzes. just too free and curiosity led me to do the quizzes. haha.
You Are "esc"
Some people might try to say that you're unreliable or flighty.
But you can't help it. You're always finding yourself in sticky situations.

You're willing to bail if things are looking bad. You are quite impatient.
For you, having to escape every now in then is the price of taking risks. And you're not about to stop taking risks!
What Keyboard Key Are You?

You Are Banana Nut Pancakes
You prefer complex and interesting foods.
You shy away from anything that's ordinary or tired.

It's not likely that someone would find white sandwich bread or boxed mac n' cheese in your kitchen.
Instead, someone might find an original recipe of yours cooking up - or some interesting ethnic food.

You Are Wednesday
Like this day of the week, you are ruled by Mercury.
More than anything, you are unpredictable.

You are witty and wise - but you are also easily bored.
You tend to be flighty and careless. You are unreliable at times.

In some ways, it's perfect that you match up with hump day.
You are always coasting downhill - even when it seems like an uphill battle.

You Should Walk on Stilts
Your biggest talent is your ability to make people laugh.
And like most comedians, you'll do anything to get a people roaring.

You know how to work a crowd. You are witty, but you are also great at physical comedy.
But you'll leave the daredevil stunts to other people... you don't need them to get your applause.

Your True Birth Month Is March
Loves traveling
Loves attention
Shy and reserved
Musically talented
Loves home decor
Not easily angered
Sensitive to others
Loves special things
Attractive personality
Loves to serve others
Loves peace and serenity
Observant and assesses others
Loves to dream and fantasize
Appreciative and returns kindness
Hasty decisions in choosing partners
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
What's Your True Birth Month?

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January 13, 2009 @ 12:56:00 AM

caution: this entry was typed out of utter boredom. pls don't bother reading it unless you're as bored as I am

Jaishree Jaybalan is very very very very bored.  okay, thats an understatement. 

I just finished watching another drama series (taiwanese this time round!) and I'm not exactly in the mood to start on another one. 

blog hopping is tiresome as well. 

no interesting pics to kay-poh around in fb. 

I'm not in the mood to continue reading my book. yes, I'm not those types who cannot put down a book once they've started. 

what else is there to do!? okay, yes, save the world, feed dying children and so on. but pls be practical. its 1.05am...WHAT IS THERE TO DO!?

how ironic isn't it, when I was so busy with school work, I was so jealous of the people who were having holidays. now that I'm on holiday, I'm bored to death. urgh. 

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January 5, 2009 @ 10:48:00 PM

okay then, here are the pictures! finally, I know. there's another thing to update on, but I'll leave that to another time. 

oh and btw...pls visit, advertise and PATRONISE! (: 

02 01 09 dinner with lins, prilaa, changs & ginn at hogs breath cafe 

02 01 09 sentosa with char 

31 12 08   tea with amee,ser & emelia at 2am desert bar 

30 12 08 - lunch with raz & preeths at ny ny city hall cum monopoly WORLD EDITION PLAYING TIME! 

25 12 08 christmas. raz over at my aunt's place 

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January 4, 2009 @ 1:00:00 AM

wowness! its the new year! 
another year and we are all getting old. how fantastic. 

okay lets rewind alittle to the last week of 2008, 

- christmas ( the usual bumming at my aunt's place. oh yes yes, raz came for dinner! pictures pls )

- mom's birthday 

- out with raz & preeths for NEW YORK NEW YORK ( yes, finally! satisfied my desire for their candy floss & raz's pretty colorful chairs. but poor preeths couldn't eat her vege lasagna. ooh the filipino worker there was quite amusing. and nice enough to do the candy floss thing for us cause we didn't actually want to experiment. just so you know, it isn't as easy as it looks! ) 
monopoly WORLD EDITION at mrs.fields/esplanade. coolness to the max!!! I bought pa-ree! HAHA. okay thats paris yeah. stupid shoes totally ruined my mood or I might have actually walked more. 

- new year's eve : work ( don't ask )  tea with amee, ser & emelia. forgot my cam, so pics with them. have to wait for the pics. ooh we went to the 2am desert bar. quite fascinating indeed. will add on the details with the pictures. 

- I spent the first day of the new year with flu & sleeping more than half the day. what a way to start the year right? 

- 2nd day of the new year: FINALLY met char. after a month. went to sentosa for some picture taking :) then we went to town to watch australia and then I left for holland v for dinner with lins, changs, prills and ginn. 

australia was lovely, just a little too draggy for y liking. but who cares, more time to look at hugh jackman!!! and I think he looks alot better with his facial hair than none at all. and nicole kidman, goodness! her baby bump is freaking smaller than my fats bump. how disturbing! jaish really needs to go exercise. 

dinner at hogs breath cafe. good catching up and laughing our heads off :)

- family gathering at east coast. not as bad as I expected it to be. just that the crowd totally turned me off from cycling, but I still did. haha. and I didnt fall!haha.

well then, that has been my plans for the past 2 weeks. will try to upload the pictures when I'm less lazy.haha.

nights loves! 

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