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November 30, 2008 @ 11:14:00 PM

jaish is a sucker. she is grinning away like a fool while typing this post. 

why the sudden joy? 

can't really be explained. haha. must be the period, crazy mood swings!!

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November 29, 2008 @ 12:24:00 AM

I've been too lazy to blog cause I rather waste my life away being a part-time couch potato.

in a nutshell,
mon- library and went to far east for a really short while. I walked around by myself, without my hp ( accidentally forgot to bring my phone) so I was cut out from time cause I only rely on my phone for time. as usual, walking around by myself didn't go too well, which is why I left rather quickly.
tues - dinner with amee dear, emelia, fel & ser at sushi tei. tried some interesting food.haha sushi tei is my new favourite jap place. walked around & took pictures with the not-so-elegant-nor-mesmerizing Christmas decorations. All I can say is that the standard of the decorations seems to be deteriorating, year after year. I had a good time catching up with all of them and reminiscing our secondary school days. okay okay, there was quite of bit of gossiping too. well, not gossiping, networking :p
reminded me of pw!! (: the guy who helped us to take this picture needs to sharpen his photography skills.
wed - bummed around at home
thurs - went to vivo with char & jings. no pictures here. it was a rather short trip cause I had to rush off and we bought the stuff we needed really quickly
fri- ran in the morning with lins ( its alot better running with a friend than running alone though I've always preferred the latter. ) went to settle some legal stuff with my parents in the morning (made me realise that lawyers really need secretaries. and some lawyers can pass off as coffee shop ah pehs rather than lawyers. yes, that bad. looks are very deceiving) towned with my sister after that.but it was a fruitless trip, only made me more sour. must be the period, horrible moodswings. slept till 9 plus and then went for supper. and here I am now.

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November 25, 2008 @ 11:49:00 AM

a's has really made me super duper unfit. I'm on the verge of dying from obesity or some obesity related disease like heart attack or something.

ytd, the rain spared me and I was able to go for my run-jog-walk. but it was so bad!!! I ran my usual route, but within half the distance or even lesser, I was panting like some mad dog. I couldn't run, let alone jog. I ended up walking. yes, that bad. I think at most I only jogged/ran 1km. the rest of the distance was spent walking and slow jogging. but I pushed myself to go to a further distance, so that was the only accomplishment. To think that I wasn't willing to run with my sister cause she might slow me down, now, I bet, I will be the one slowing her down!

the after effects are so horribly painful. it hurts to move my left leg, the thigh area. walking is less painful than climbing stairs or anything that involves lifting my leg. I had a hard time showering this morning cause I was so reluctant to step into the bath tub :/ luckily walking isn't so bad.

I'm resting today. No exercise today cause I'm meeting up with amee dear,et,ser & fel tonight for dinner at sushi tei (: sec 1 clique reunion man!I'm quite excited!

tomorrow, out with char! (:

ma is leaving for KL this afternoon. not totally yayness cause I've got chores to do. urgh. but actually I rather do anything than be a couch potato. its BORING!! I don't even mind going to work, but my uncle still hasn't called me. I can't appear to be all desperate for a job and call him first. so I shall patiently wait and pray that somehow, someone miraculously donates $200 to the "make jaishree happy" fund. hehh


new layout, got sick of the old one.

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November 23, 2008 @ 2:21:00 AM

my ability to stay up is simply amazing. but whats the pt when I'm wide awake AFTER the A's??

my mom keeps saying how for the past few months, seeing me awake after 11pm was a rare sight, and now, I can't go to bed unless its after 3am. true true. studying was just so draining, can't blame me eh? 

I just finished watching the whole series of coffee prince. Though channel U airs all these dramas, I like it better to watch it online cause the actors are using their real voices and not some weird duped voices. don't you'll ( the rare rare few people who actually read my blog) agree that it sounds really weird when they dupe the shows? like can't seem to match the voices to the faces. 

to start on a new drama or to read a book or to do my spring cleaning - yes, my study area looks the same way as it does during the A's. I just cannot bring myself to clean it. shocking eh, for someone who is very particular about messiness? 

life after A's is not going to how I planned it to be. largely due to the paltry amount of money I'm left with. doesn't help that I've got outings, presents to buy, dinner plans and a never ending list of wants. great isn't it?

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November 19, 2008 @ 9:33:00 AM

an attempt to save my dying blog.
just like how my msn nick says it....CAN YOU SMELL THE FREEDOM???

truthfully, I didn't feel much of a difference. which isn't very good cause it means I wasn't too serious. I rmb how after O's, when I went to town, I felt awkward as though I was doing something wrong and not studying. but last thurs ( self-declared holiday though A's wasn't officially over) when I went to vivo with char,prabs & hafiz, I didn't feel guilty or whatever. oh wells, its over. No point crying over spilt milk. shall just wait till march and see how it goes.

but I have to admit, these 2 years have really gone by super duper quickly. like snap snap my fingers and poof! I guess thats what I wanted eh? sometimes,just sometimes, I wish I had been more optimistic and not so cynical towards the school. maybe then it wouldn't have been so painful & dull? but all these are "if only"s and there is nothing that can be done now. well at least I did learn stuff ( apart from academics) & did make a few friends ( I made more friends through the common dislike for sch.hehh) the other funny thing was that I felt closer to one of my teachers than my own friends. It couldn't be helped that she was so nice (:
okays okays, enough reminiscing. overdose can kill you know.

anyways, what have I been doing so far? ( okay not alot since I only ended papers ytd)
- I finally finally met up with amee! had tea/dinner at thomson. away from usual town, its just getting too boring. but actually, its been a long time since I went to town.

- watched 200 pound beauty & 1 litre of tears. yes yes, I know I'm very slow. 1 litre of tears is really so sad. when everyone was talking about it, I thought they were exaggerating, but its not true! it is really that sad. I'm amazed by the girl's spirit to live on, I'm sure if it was me, I would have been wallowing in self-pity.

- I got my hair cut! one of the rare moments that I'm actually pleased with my hair cut. I took pics, but I felt too narcissistic, so I'm not going to post them up. but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to replicate whatever style the stylist did to my hair. heh.

okay thats all. Im going to head to vivo later on - SUSHI TEI! satisfy my craving. then off to thread my brows. tomorrow I'm going out with my mom to get my running shoes! happy happy! cause then I can start on my weight-loss regime. no plans for fri. sat I'm going for dental and maybe out with my sister.

well well, I'm running late!going off now.

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