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July 18, 2008 @ 11:01:00 PM

why haven't I been updating?

cause my life is too boring. it is so robotic, so predictable, so mundane. yuck yuck yuck. okay okay, I should be grateful that I have a routine life rather than a life filled with killings,terrorists attacks and what not.

the only incident that disrupted my oh so boring and fixed life was that I fell sick. whenever I want to fall sick, I don't. whenever I don't feel like falling sick, I do! irony of life.
Nevertheless, even after the many many afternoon naps turned long duration of sleeping hours, I still feel like I'm nearing my death. especially when my cough erupts. strepsils is my new best friend.

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July 8, 2008 @ 10:17:00 PM

I've been trying to blog on something for the past few days. There have been quite a few topics for me to blog, but whenever I click on the "posting" nothing flows. And I'm not really in the mood to transfer pictures from my phone. So, after a dreary day in school, I do have something to blog about!

oh oh, my sister and I happen to be on a "blacks" movie marathon. I watched dreamgirls last night and today was American gangster. How lovely lovely lovely!simply moving and really makes you wonder, where in the world Frank Lucas got all his plans from. Like, who in the world would think of smuggling opium in coffins!? Danzel Washington's acting was first-class, I doubt anyone else would have done this role so marvellously. See, all this just boils down to the fact that American gangster is one darn good movie! If only I had been 18 a few months earlier then I would have been able to catch the movie at the theatres. When I told this to my dad, all he said was " you should have just faked your way in!" haha. comparing to traditional dads that scold you and tell you to follow the law, my dad is a gem.

now, moving on.

pick n' mix,

pick n' mix,

you pick the worst,

mix them with the best,

and what do you get?

a bittersweet candy.

pick n' mix,

pick n' mix,

pick the unthinkables

and mix them with the unexpected,

what do you get?

go figure. life is unfair.

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July 5, 2008 @ 11:54:00 AM

lights, camera and action!
now, wasn't that quite a show?

acting is certainly your forte,
cause you had your audience mesmerized.

If only they had known,
how to differentiate reel from real.

They applaud and worship you,
those stupid fools.

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July 3, 2008 @ 9:41:00 PM

life without school is oh so blissful!
How I wish holidays and school days would swap. Like we only go to school in june, nov and decemember, then the rest of the year would be holidays!haha. Or another option would be to move to saudi. My tutor told me that there, the government PAYS the people cause the government is filthy rich. of course right, with all those soaring oil prices, the government is obviously making billions. all they have to do to make more money, is to turn the oil digger thing alittle deeper and ta da!more money is generated. sigh, if only money making is as easy as a b c for me! I'm currently running on a budget deficit ): and the sad part is that I have no clue where my money went to! I haven't actually been buying anything excessively, yet the money seems to be flowing out. how depressing right.
anyways, I went to anchor point with gin today! I don't think she enjoyed it as much as she expected to.hehh. I got to eat yummy IKEA's yummy hot dog! met my cousin too! ahh this is random, but I actually miss my cousins. its a very rare thing, especially since in the past we used to have childish squabbles. haha.
anyways, I had fun wth ginn today! She is another one of those "links" to mg and around her I feel normal and comfortable. Like I know I won't be judged by her ( or at least I hope so!) and she's my newest idol!hahah. the many years of friendships ( which had quite abit of rough patches.hehh) does pay off yea, gin? (:

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July 1, 2008 @ 9:06:00 PM

பாரு! தமிழ்-லில் ஈருகுது!நான் நீளமான ப்லோகபோச்ட் டைப் பண இருந்தேன். ஆனால் கட்னிமக் இருக்கிறது. இன்று மகிழ்ச்சியாக் இருந்தது (: லெட்ஸ் டூ மோர்!

haha, well yes yes, I've finally explored the tamil function on blogger!and gosh, its so damn hard! just to type those few sentences, I died okay. writing tamil is so much way easier!
anyways, today was the END OF MIDS!!to rejoice and like how raz puts it "indian bonding session!" haha. it was really good to catch up with preeths & raz! (: but it was so weird that we kept mixing up each other's names :/

went to raz's house ( finally, I got to see her house!haha) then we took train down to east coast! ( btw, I'm alittle tired,so I'm going to skip some details) had our little picnic, which was rudely interrupted by those brave and disgusting birds :s we cycled to bedok jetty and back to 7/11. like after cycling for an hour or so, it started raining! ): how upsetting! so we just returned to bikes and went to tampines mall! walked around abit. It was fascinating for first timers - raz and me! but to preeths, it was like err whats new? haha. we ate at haagen dazs! and then went back home after that. sounds very short doesn't it? but it was still fun fun!though it did go by quite quickly.

east coast!

preethi's cute hoodie!haha

brownie EXPLOSION!!

last sat, my family and I went to marche for my sister's belated birthday dinner. the food was yum yum, though some of my favourites have been taken off the menu ):

the cheesecake was too yummy so I ate most of it, even before I took the picture.

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