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June 29, 2008 @ 11:02:00 PM

The things I do sometimes makes me feel ever so childish and stupid. Then, when I think back on these past incidents, I laugh at my own stupidity. what a weirdo. yes world, I know you agree.

This cold war (jaishree's war) I'm waging with retard is sort of humourous ( but this does NOT mean that I'm no longer pissed) yet mentally draining cause it is quite difficult to stay mad at friends. or at least for me. So, if I ever get totally pissed off by you, you must have really crossed the limits. But don't worry retard, you have yet to cross the limits.

to retard:
though I was a tiny little bit angry, you do know that I can hardly be mad at you. It was kind of fun seeing you trying to tell me not to be angry and all. haha, you did sound worried!! thank you for adding humour into my otherwise boring ol sunday (:

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June 27, 2008 @ 10:21:00 PM

today is jaishree's self-declared holiday!! (:

like come on, one damn maths paper in another 4 days, must at least relax 2 out of 4 days right! plus today is a friday night!!my lovely days of the week, surely must enjoy to the max right!haha.

after the hell-sent history paper I had to rush to the toilet to shit!!I like so kan chieong, the first to leave!The bad stomachache during the paper was so horrible, but I couldn't leave halfway cause time is very precious. (especially so for slow writing people like me) hehh.

After the paper, I went to town with char & her classmate. Ate at sakura-my first time!haha, yes yes, I'm a noob. But I didn't think it was very fantastic or anything. We walked around town and browsed around kino for quite sometime. I have this sudden urge to buy a pretty notebook. maybe I'll treat myself!

Since char was waiting for claire till like 5, her classmate and I decided to be nice and accompany her. We wanted to catch a movie, but no suitable timings. So we ended up EATING again. This time at the HK cafe at cine. We sat and amused ourselves there till 5. like for about 2h! But time did pass by quickly cause char and I were entertaining ourselves at the expense of her classmate. Left at 5 to go meet xiang & wenz!! (: But I rushed back home to dump my bag first and change out. We ate at al-ameen!our usual!haha. So frustrating, I had left my ez link card in my skirt pocket, so I had to practically run back home to get the card,cause xiang and I were going for "love mg" Luckily love mg started late. But it was such a pity, I couldn't stroll up the hill to mg ): I actually miss walking that route. It is so much nearer and easier to walk that route than to walk from phoneix to pj!

I miss mg damn alot! the audi, chapel,the people, the food, the popular, the teachers, the familiar surroundings, aiyah everything lah! It is sad how we take things for granted and by the time you want to treasure it, it is kind of late already. those 10 years were the best time of my life (: ask any mg girl and she'll the same thing.

Today was a fruitful though tiring day. Glad that I could FINALLY meet xiang and wenz! the short time spent at "love mg" ( had to leave early) was very good enough. something better than nothing yea.

oh yes, the reason for having a blog called capturedbythelenses: PICTURES!

rugby match

study date with char in the holidays

railway track near school. guess who?

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June 19, 2008 @ 9:09:00 PM

HELLO! the small population who reads my blog!

it is for a VERY VERY VERY GOOD FRIEND and I will love you more when you patronise this blogshop (:

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June 9, 2008 @ 11:49:00 PM

met retard ( jocelyn), retard hend and shiuan today! (: like after don't know how long, I finally got to meet shiuan today. But that girl ah, could only spend slightly more than an hour with us. oh wells, better than nothing. MIGHT meet them again ( together with the others) on july 5th. yes yes, I just want to get mids over and done with!!the torture of studying is unbearable. I rather eat cabbages! okay no, cabbages are worse.

Holland 1944 - The final years of WWII find beautiful Rachel Stein taking refuge with a family in rural Holland. Once a popular and wealthy singer, Rachel has been waiting out the war like many Jews in Europe, separated from her family and a moment away from being caught by the Gestapo. In a chain of events, Rachel joins the Dutch resistance forces and uncovers trails of deceit pointing to compatriots she once counted as her closest friends. To fight the enemy, she must become one of them.
oh no!!!I think the last day for this movie is on wed!!!die die die. I want to watch it!!!who is already 18 and willing to watch with me? my dumb sister watching with her friend and I refuse to be a lampost(AGAIN!!)

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June 4, 2008 @ 9:42:00 PM

prince edmund (: my new eye candy

yes, after watching narnia, this is my new eye candy!!yu bin's too!haha. only jonathan thinks that prince casplan looks good.

anyways, ytd, on my way back, I had the MOST HORRIBLE BUS RIDE ON 985. this ass was freaking smoking on the bus!!argh. he was scary looking,old. he looked like those malay gangsters so I didn't dare scream at him. but I didn't hide my disgust for him. I was screaming to gin about him (under my pullover though) stupid man. worst, the bus driver didn't realise, though he kept turning back. no other bus passengers complained though. surprising, ain't it?

today I saw this customer ill-treat the poor cashier at esso today. annoyed, but I can't say why. Might be a little sensitive issue, so I'll just hush hush. but looking at how the whole "customer is always right" scares me. I've never felt this jittery about working in 7 11 :/

I feel this urge to walk down the streets of orchard, bugis and EXPO ( john little sale!) but school work beckons ): but it isn't as if I'm mugging crazily to feel stressed or anything. the fact that

I'm online shows quite abit, doesn't it? sigh.

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June 1, 2008 @ 5:59:00 PM

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet you'll missed me. haha, okay shall skip the crapping and go straight to the main points.

pre u sem 08

came back on friday afternoon. the camp was super fun, much more exciting than I expected. It was really an one of a kind experience. Different from most of the camps I have been too. duh. Though at first I dreaded it and it did take some time to settle down with my group, I did enjoy myself to the fullest.It was more like a holiday, not like a camp at all, except for the not so clean rooms and toilets.

my group was very entertaining. A pity that we only bonded on the last 2 - 3 days. daryl's group was super bonded. Could really sense the unity. No wonder he can't stop talking about pre u sem! haha. ooh you know what, in the end, my group had 3 mg girls!!!what a coincidence right. to think that I talked alot more with jean in that 5 days than I ever did in 10yrs in mg. its like I knew she existed, she knew I existed,but we just never talked. Thats cause we were never in the same class, only in primary 1. haha. but yep, I was really thankful for pre u sem cause I got closer to different types of people (: it really was a whole new enriching experience.

the presentations weren't say very in-depth or fantastic as I expected it to be. but cj's presentation's was awesome. really really attention grabbing. I didn't get to see pj's presentation though. the panel discussions did provide me with insights to certain issues that didn't cross my mind before. so that was really beneficial. the best programme in pre u sem was the asian film fest! I got to watch "sepet". It was about inter-racial marriages/r'ships. really very heart warming. I want to get that movie. such a pity that they don't sell it in SG. the other activites were the digital chase, the sandcastle challenge. Digital chase wasn't that fun cause I'm an IT noob. the sandcastle challenge was pretty fun, but my flu spoilt my mood. yep, got wet in the rain and caught a cold on thurs. my bunkmate passed me the flu too :/ So I was practically dying on thurs. but in the evening it got much better.

speaking of bunk mates, supposed to have only one bunk mate - jessica from cj. but cause sandra and felicia 's room had ants( DISGUSTING) they bunked in with us. the more the merrier! haha. but sleeping times were painful. but not as if we had alot of sleeping times. haha.

okay, enough rambling about pre-u sem ( haha yes, I skipped most stuff already ok!) let the pictures take over. only uploading few. all can be seen in my facebook.

my group

the full of nonsense things we did together (: I'll miss them so much! - something I didn't expect.

my bunkmates and our room (:

this is how we got our dinners! food was really splendid. 6 meals a day!!

shopping trip

yep, since I only slept like for 7 for 3days of camp, I was super exhausted. but I still went shopping on sat!! (: I bought a new bag, 2 new tops, new cardigan and my UMBRELLA. haha. so now, jaish is officially broke! ):

Most Singaporeans are so inconsiderate. there was a human traffic jam at the orchard mrt control station. the fact that it was pouring didn't help either. like the people who wanted to come out, kept pushing and towards who wanted to go in kept pushing. there was like no proper flow, so obviously jam right. sigh. I felt even more annoyed that no mrt officials came out to offer to help smoothen out the traffic jam. didn't stop there. at the elevator, people kept crowding around the place where you exit, so there was a jam there. but I was most annoyed by that, cause the elevator is moving, and if people don't move, how would the rest get off right? obviously it would led to some kind of accident! argh.

but my buys for the day made me happy. jaish was a happy girl on sat.

kids run

had to meet yo, daryl, jonathan and yu bin at padang at 6.30am. but of course I was late! couldn't manage to catch the first bus lah. It was quite slack. we had to go around asking questions for the survey. I didn't know they paid us. like meal allowance. used that money to watch movie with jonathen and yu bin. after we went for lunch, daryl and yo left. then the remaining three of us went to watch narnia. not too bad. only edmund looked good. the prince of casplan was yucky cause I never fancied guys with long hair. haha. I liked dozed off a few times in the movie :/ still trying to get over the exhaustion from pre u sem. haha. somemore last night, I only slept for 2 plus hours.

have to really get back my sleep by tonight, cause have to start mugging soon. one week gone already. I cannot screw up my mids, cause I can feel that my mom is really counting on me. and I don't wanna let her down.

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