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May 25, 2008 @ 10:48:00 PM

urgh, packing is troublesome. the annoying part of going away is the unpacking and packing. the unpacking is the worst cause got all the washing to do. sigh.

not very excited for pre u sem tomorrow. especially after the headache I got from packing. should have just used the bigger bag, but smart me, thought it would be way too big. now the small one too small. thank goodness its extendable. kinda jittery that I may forget something. you know that feeling of not wanting to over pack yet hoping not to forget something? my mind is racing through that now.sigh.

so I'll be away for 5 days. no nice bed, no sister, no ma,no pa,no good food, no com, no blog, no msn, no bullying hend and the list goes on.

I shall be optimistic about camp. I already know that san is in my group, so not so bad. yep, have to be optimistic!haha.

anyways, I saw something. Don't know if I'm being too paranoid. But something tells me that my suspicions are correct. let time heal? or leave it as it is?

its all a facade. guess I can never expect all five fingers to be identical. no point losing my tears nor sleep over this, cause once lost, it would never be found again.

I lost something,
something precious,
or so I thought.

When I searched harder,
I realised,
that it wasn't a gem,
but a worthless stone.

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May 20, 2008 @ 5:44:00 PM

I was wrong about my emotional cum hectic weekend ending. It continued on till today ):

I thought it would be a fun fun day, with the official closing cermony of project ican, like you know the last school day or something. It was okay actually, till I had to rush off to be "models" for that dumb patio place. I thought, or at least I was told to be there at 10 and that it wouldn't last even 10 minutes. my foot! It took one freaking hour!!!I thought I could rush back to project ican to say goodbye take the group picture.but because I was held up at the patio, I couldn't take the picture nor say goodbye ): damn frustrating, we did so much yet I couldn't say the proper final goodbye to my "kid" I'll miss her. sigh. its just not fair! I was looking forward to the group picture ):

To make things worse, I realised that my cert was gone! I thought they would take it for me, but they didn't see it. I thought I left it together with my bag, but they only managed to get my bag for me. sigh. so I lost the chance to be in the photo AND my cert. how wonderful.

the weather didn't help either. it just made things worse! I realised my mood is quite intuned with the weather. I get depressed and emo when the weather is dark and gloomy. now that it is burning hot, I get easily frustrated and grouchy. I wanna jump into a pool of cold cold water.

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May 18, 2008 @ 11:30:00 PM

I'm really never ever going to plan/get involved in MI gatherings ( yea, I know I always say this, but this time its for REAL) It always disappoints me; I always think, "yay! I'm finally going to meet whoever..." but they don't come, though they promise to, and makes everything seem so pointless :( jaish hates to be disappointed over and over again, so she refuses to plan MI gatherings, if I really miss some of them, I'll meet them individually or something. sigh.

anyways, my hectic weekend is finally ending. really, it has been the most busiest and the most emotional weekend EVER. okay, at least for this year.

went to town today and jurong pt ytd and I can see that GSS is coming (: perhaps I can finally buy a new bag!and a new pair of shades (:

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May 16, 2008 @ 10:18:00 PM

I never actually believed in bad days ( though, after coming to pj, I always feel that I'm having one) but today was really horrible. It was the same sentiment felt by my other peer coaches.

okay, I don't actually want to whine, cause like char said, why should others read about my whining right, although it is my blog. oh wells, just this time, char. haha.

the school part of the day didn't go too bad, it was the after 2.30 thing. Project iCAN. first, we had a little scare that we couldn't find the videos. Leah, Zhi Ying and I slogged damn hard for it, so we wanted to kill the Tech guy from dunearn ( long story) for screwing it up. We saw that the rest had really amazing videos, so we were pressurized to do changes to our videos. We were happily exploring the iMovie function and putting in music to our videos. That part was fun, though we spent close to 2.5h on the 3 videos.

When we were finally done and super satisfied with our videos, we went back to LT 4, where everyone else were doing the board thing. We had to decorate those big, wooden, ikea boards for each of our "kids". It was already 4plus and we had to hand in the boards by the end of the day!

argh. The three of us were quite pissed off when we realised that our efforts of editing the videos were all wasted cause the videos wouldn't be played on Tuesday ( the finale) Instead the videos were meant for our "kids" to watch. Just like that. We spent DAYS on the whole video project just so one person can look at it. wow, I feel so significant! Everyone was supposed to show their "kids" their videos today, but my "kid" ( or more like all the dunearn "kids") didn't come. So, whatever we did, just poof!gone like that. The worst part was the my teacher in charge saw us busy editing our videos, YET, he didn't do anything to stop us. If he had told us how so important the video was, we could have swapped and completed our boards instead right! I was damn pissed and in no mood to do the board. sigh.

had to rush and finish the board, had no choice. The materials given weren't that fantastic and my art and crafts skills suck, so I had to struggle with the board. I felt guilty for rushing the board cause it was akin to a present to my "kid", yet I spent lesser effort on that than that useless video. argh. by the time I completed and left school was 8!!!!!!!

Then, I was supposed to go for dinner with zhiying, but then we realised that Leah left her mac book with xin hui. We were all so exhausted to even realise that! but had no choice, we rushed to Phoenix to give leah her lappy. There wasn't any way to contact leah cause her phone wasn't working. to make matters worse, xin hui thought she lost her ez link card. we panicked and decided to trace back our steps, so we walked back from Phoenix station to school. everyone was leaving, yet we were walking back to school at 8.3opm!! We looked around a few places in school, but couldn't find it. then we decided to go to the kopitiam to look for it since xin hui went there for lunch. but it wasn't there. no of us were in the mood to eat, so we just bought bubble tea. then on the bus, xin hui suddenly rmb that maybe her card was stuck in her maths file AT HOME :/
fortunately, it was there, so our walking back and all that was just wasted unless it is considered as a power walk. haha.

well, so tell me, is my day bad or what? to make things worse, I hit my leg on the wooden stairs in the lt. I could have cried out in pain!!!very very painful. I don't know how I walked down, but I ended up banging into that hard thing, somemore on the SAME SPOT that I hit my leg, on the bus step last year. so like the pain aggravated again ): I should go check my legs. the pain in my ankle comes and goes, never really properly healed perhaps? the other leg hurts of the injury today and the foot part hurts, whenever I lift it up. sigh.

oh, another bad thing that happened today. ma told me that sunday got another surprise birthday for my aunt. tomorrow dad's side aunt birthday surprise, sun mom's side. sigh, it isn't always good to have this many relatives. the dinner on sunday clashes with my MI gathering!!how now brown cow?

I was looking forward to it ):

tomorrow is going to be another busy busy busy day. meeting char for breakfast, then have to go to ntu for pre u sem, then report back to school by 3 for college day. then have to rush down for the dinner. how am I going to be there at 6.30 when school only ends at 6.30!? i'm going to stink at the dinner. yayness! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow!

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May 13, 2008 @ 10:32:00 PM

decided to change my layout. my all time favourite would be the very first paris in heaven one. too bad it didn't come with the archives, or else I would never change my skins. such a waste of 50mins. sigh.

up and down on emotional roller coaster

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May 8, 2008 @ 9:21:00 PM

creepy crawly,
creeping into me,
blocking you away from me,
though I try to kill creepy crawly,
it still haunts me,
creepy crawly,
any insecticide to eradicate you?

basic courtesy


excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior. a courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression.

I guess even 11years of education cannot help you to get the most basic thing in life: courtesy.

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May 5, 2008 @ 11:54:00 PM

my most memorable birthday in one of the longest time (:
my special special eighteenth birthday! many thanks to

char, xiang, wenz, razia, amee, vann bann, yo,caressa, sher,mei jin, santhiya salt, amelia, shu hui,dilys,khalisah,mei qian,joanne,cheryl,changs, jia lin, prilaa, janice, serene, hend,shiuan,retard,yusof ishak,michael,eun,ms.tan and each and everyone of you who msged/facebooked/called/wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (:

thanks to all your wishes,my birthday has been great!!

special thanks to char for trying to make my day, early in the morning. sorry that I kinda spoilt my own surprise, I am just too punctual lah, or you're just late. hahah. but I loved the cake damn alot!thank you so so much dear! not just the cake!the cute little puffs thing, the presents and the bestest cd video thing ever! I know that you're an IT noob, yet you managed to come up with a really amazing video. really touched, char! love you!!I can't stop watching it!!!haha. thanks for making my day and helping me to get through pj!!jaish loves char!

oh and how can I forget the wonderful surprise char, wenz and xiang planned for me! I was too blur to realise that you guys had a surprise for me!haha. but it was my first time spending my birthday with you guys and I was really very very honoured that you'll came down after tuition(wenz) & even trng(xiang! gosh, even with your swollen ankle you came!) could tell you guys were dead tired, but you'll made the effort and really made my birthday an unforgettable one! <3>

the flashy and super duper cute "18 today" badge razia gave me really made me laugh. the "how to procrastinate book" was especially funny! the cover good enough to make me laugh. your presents were the most funniest gifts I received (: haha. thanks so much for the hilarious gifts! oh, and how can I ever forget the birthday music video you sang for me!haha. I had fun with you today, though it was only in boring school. the pictures, the videos and RUBY ROSE RAZIA! hahaha our inside joke! jaish loves razia!

yo & caressa for the yummylicious happy meal!! (: I haven't eaten happy meal, ever since like primary school, and today, cause of you two, I got to be happy again! really appreciate you'll specially going to buy food for me. I was surprised and pleasantly shocked!! (: the whole wholesome meal with the apple was so cute too! thank you'll so so much! ooh, thanks to you'll, I got to taste the grilled chicken burger, but best of all, I GOT THE TOY!!!haha. jaish loves you and caressa!

yep, thats about it for my special birthday. all the wonderful memories, ahhhh. if only birthdays were everyday!!haha.

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