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April 30, 2008 @ 9:57:00 PM

picture time!
let me inject some sort of life into my blog. hehh.

met up with ayesha ( after a gazillion years!!!) and santhiya (: It always feels good to meet up with friends whom you haven't met in a long time. gives you this warm, fuzzy feeling inside. gosh, I miss tamil lessons with them. love them both! (:
pictures from project I CAN!

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April 24, 2008 @ 10:32:00 PM

long gone are the days where I count down to my birthday. yes,my usual excitement for my birthday is disappering. this isn't a happy thing at all. I guess its a sign of ageing. or maybe cause this year hasn't actually been fantastic, thus, I can't even feel the joy that my birthday is in a week's time. sigh. Usually, like 3 weeks before the birthday I would be super duper excited. This year, I haven't even drawn up my wishlist!

this year hasn't being going too well. yes, there were happy moments, but even more depressing stuff happened. Its just, I don't know, bad? don't have a good feeling. School's not what it should be and how i wished it could be.I'm not liking it one bit but I I cannot let external factors suffocate me, though I've been unknowingly blinded. I know I shouldn't be judgemental and shouldn't jump to conclusions. Not only that, it hasn't been even half the year, so I should be more optimistic and turn things for the better. I need retail therapy and lots of chocolates too!!haha.I refuse to be emo or go into depression. I want myself back.

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April 16, 2008 @ 7:10:00 PM

I have a new fetish for umbrellas!

yes, you read it correctly, umbrellas! And no, I'm not becoming weird, at least I don't think so. haha.

Well, I need a new brolly. With the unexpected downpours, I cannot live without a brolly. Just yesterday I had to detour and take a much longer route, all because I didn't have a brolly and it was raining quite badly.

I keep looking out for umbrellas. Its quite funny, ( okay, weird) whenever I see someone carrying a brolly, I would want to "check it out" to see if it can be my potential umbrella. haha. It all started with this beautiful green umbrella! Some pj guy was carrying it and gosh, I love the color so so much!If I ever see it again, I might steal it. haha.

I want a nice, pretty looking umbrella!one that is light and durable. I was considering to get the esprit umbrella, but $20 for a brolly is not worth it. duh.

I want to watch 2 movies! the "other boleyn girl" and "feet unbound" The latter is a documentary like movie. It is about the Fourth Red Army and their Long March. Features the women soldiers. Sounds interesting to me. Sounds like movie about feminist rights. All the more I want to watch!

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April 12, 2008 @ 9:06:00 PM

I'm not happy ):

I don't think the damn pw grade was just at all!It is just not fair!the damn grade did not do justice to all the sleepless nights, the hardwork and stress. pw is the only subject that I can proudly say that I worked hard for last year. Yet, we got this kind of shitty grade. It was just so frustrating to see other people who put in lesser ( or not as much) effort as us ( my group) and get the same grade. argh. ms.lee said our WR was detailed, it couldn't be that our op sucked so bad right?! The WR, the many meet ups, the trips to the library, the beautiful pictures shu hui did, the video I got eugene to do all seems so wasted now. the effort, the time spent, just gone down the drain. just like that. sigh.

I had the bestest group ( love you guys!)and a fun fun project. I actually loved pw ok! the dumb grade, damn it. I know I shouldn't be complaining cause others did worse, but I just cannot help it. sigh.

Year after year there are reports, complains about pw. In the home section today, there was an article about how the top jcs do so well. hc got 98% As!! temasek jc got 7% A's last yr and this year it jumped to 87%!!!clearly it shows that there must have been some kind of unfair marking right? They shouldn't let the teachers from their own schools grade pw, that way some schools might be biased and it wouldn't be a clear assessment of our hardwork. just so screwed up lah.

Ytd I decided to take a stroll to btp. I just walked around popular and ntuc. I had this sudden urge to eat those juicy sausages. I thought fairprice finest(haha) would have it, but it didn't. so I settled for snickers instead. I did look quite loser walking alone with a lost expression and munching on a chocolate bar. oh wells, I'm used to this.

I still feel tired and lethargic even after the 2days mc I had earlier this week. the whole fainting thing strained my energy and I feel so fatigue after doing the slightest things. sigh. why is it when I actually try and turn over a new leaf, my body resists?

char blogged about how school is straining her. totally know how she feels, but we have to hold on, char! (: at least there is going to be e-learning next week, so perhaps I can take a quick breather. sigh.

my friday loves, xiang and wenz, I miss you guys! lets meet up for dinner soon!

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April 5, 2008 @ 12:11:00 AM


Its your exciting eighteenth birthday!you're legal, but knowing you, I'm sure you wouldn't do anything naughty eh. haha. all the wonderful pw memories we had, I will surely miss. ( the picture is from the time we were doing WR. remember?haha) your dirty jokes and lameness ( but don't worry, not as lame as amelia.haha) I remember the times when your self esteem was really really low. don't be like that anymore eh! smile and press on dear! jaish loves dilys ALOT.

anyways, today was a hectic hectic day!!ironic since we only had a half day at school. (half day cause our A level results supposedly very good. didn't really seem like that to me, but early dismissal, who is complaining!?haha.)

after phys lecture ended at 12.30, I rushed out of school to IMM to meet my cousin who was 45minutes late. I had an errr, interesting stroll at IMM. the place has changed so much! or maybe because it has been over 10 000 years since I last went to IMM. was fascinating myself with the many stores, but the layout was quite confusing. It was as though I was walking in circles. After my cousin came, we got the stuff for the birthday boys and we went back to her house to prepare. By the time we reached her house, it was like 4.35 and so we rushed everything, but couldn't get much done.

Another reason why today was a hectic day was because I kept rushing. I rushed for school this morning ( though it turned out that I was early) I rushed the presents. I rushed back home and had a quick quick shower and rushed to get ready for radha's performance. I was amazed at my own speed. I never knew I got get ready that quick!haha. I was already super late so I had to make my dad ferry me to scgs for the performance. luckily it started late. haha.

I really enjoyed myself at the performance. Really grand and wonderful. Was quite awe-strucked indeed. Their 12years of dancing did pay off! I had a lot of fun cause janice and I were crapping so much. We went for dinner at macs after the thing ended. I wanted to eat my vaadai!!!but it was crowded, so janice and I just went for dinner instead. It was just so good to be laughing at everything (: I totally love the feeling of meeting up with people who you haven't met for ages! Reminiscing the past is just so lovable, makes you feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I MISS MG ):

janice, the girl who has been behind me (according to register no) for 5 STRAIGHT years!!! <3

we were trying to act twit, didn't turn out too good. we should just leave it to the pros eh.

another gundu looking photo. haha.

all of us who went, minus surya. she got cut off :/

so overall, though it was a hectic friday, I had loads of fun and interesting stuff happened :D

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April 2, 2008 @ 9:30:00 PM

Binge eating is a pattern of disordered eating which consists of episodes of uncontrollable overeating. It is sometimes as a symptom of binge eating disorder. During such binges, a person rapidly consumes an excessive amount of food.

Jaishree Jaybalan is suffering from binge eating disorder. She pleads to you'll to help her overcome this problem.HAHA.snatch away that plate of chicken rice and give her the apple!

ok, but I'm really binge-ing way too much! ): I keep on snacking at all the wrong times. I went to buy groceries at beauty world, and on the way back ( beauty world isn't far from my house, just like a short short distance from my place) I finished an entire regular sized fries!!!! I still came back and ate dinner almost immediately. oh, I ate ice cream, drank coke and stuffed my face with cute rabbit shaped cookies. too cute, just couldn't help nibbling on them. haha.

Though I hardly eat rice now, its all the unhealthy junk food that is going to make me explode!I look like I'm 5 months pregnant!arghhh. It doesn't help that I quit the gym ): I miss going to the gym, the nice nice trainers who motivated to lose my holiday weight gain. now its going to go down the drain if I don't stop this awul habit!I'm reluctant to buy new clothes cause that would mean I'll "settle" with my weight, which is BAD BAD. Going shopping is very depressing cause it is during those times that reality hits me hard. If only we could go back to the old age days where Big was beautiful.

Mika ( BIG GIRL)
Big girl you are beautiful
Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said, 'Hey girls you are beautiful'

who am I kidding right?

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