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March 27, 2008 @ 10:40:00 PM

Coming online almost everyday seems to be a habit for me already. So when I didn't come online ytd, it felt so abnormal :/ but anyways, I should break this habit of coming online. There's nothing interesting to do online, but yet, I still cannot abstain from using the computer. aiyooo. plus, the excess usage has made my eyesight worse!

Char,Daryl, Matthew, Wil, Mrs.fadzleen and I went to the URA place thing today. urgh, staying up on tues to do the research stuff proved to be useless as we couldn't really direct all the prepared questions. it was so impromptu that it didn't even feel like an interview. all the worrying and memorising proved to be a waste lah. but it still was fun. quite cool to see all the displays and talk to the person. It is really interesting to find out about what goes behind all the planning for the buildings and so on. Got a lift back to farrer road from mrs.fadzleen, after having dinner at the maxwell food court place. The food is meant to be really good, but I got cheated. my fu zhou fish ball mee wasn't fantastic. hmpf. then worse, I had to wait 15mins for the bus. the bus ride only talk 15mins. so its like my waiting time was the same as the time taken for the bus journey : p

I wanted to go for the Cambodia!ever since they showed the ppt slide last year, I was keen to go for the trip. just my luck, it falls during the same time as pre u sem. how nice.

I'm tired. my shoulders are aching though I hardly/never carry my tote bag. the bag pack doesn't seem to ease the pain.

Jaishree is in pain!!!!!!!

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March 24, 2008 @ 11:10:00 PM

jaishree is feeling VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY reluctant to go to sch tomorrow ):

especially after having a nice long weekend and a wonderful day with san, the thought of going back to school tomorrow is very dreadful. so bad that I'm actually pouting while I'm typing this. let me miraculously fall sick!!!

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March 23, 2008 @ 11:28:00 PM

yes, with char & wenz around it is loveeeeeee (:
look at how short char's skirt is!haha.

fri- I went to anchorpoint/IKEA/queensway with my sister! I couldn't eat the yummylicious hot dog because IKEA is renovating!horror horror! it looks so messy and so not IKEA. I miss the old IKEA! maybe when its fully renovated it'll look much much better.

stoned for freaking damn long at queensway for my sister's contacts. the annoying shop!!! they made my sister's contacts wrongly and yet they made us wait fro nearly 2plus hours. sickening. I was really pissed. to make it worse, only one of the employee was really apolgetic about it. the rest couldn't be bothered. argh. I'm never going back there to make my glasses.

we went to anchorpoint hoping it would be empty and ulu. but no eh, it was quite crowded. mainly because it was a public holiday. I didn't get anything though I liked a pair of jeans. lets not go into that cause it makes everything very depressing.

the awful awful part about friday was that I did spring cleaning. not even like major spring cleaning, just my bed area and my table. My nose is really very sensitive. cause of the dust, I got the flu and then fever ): couldn't go out with char & wenz on sat. I was so looking fwd to it! haven't been out with them in ages!!sighh.

sun- nothing much. rotted at home then followed my mother to do temple. according to razia, its miracle march cause I've been going to the temple so often. haha.

tomorrow!- I'm going to meet santhiya!!!yay yay!!!! (: haven't seen her since last dec!!!very long alr!cannot wait! I can only meet her during the holidays cause or else school will take over our lives. tomorrow will be my second attempt at shopping after friday's disappointment. hopefully I can buy some new clothes tomorrow and not end up with a pair of shoes. thats what always happens whenever I can't seem to find decent clothes. sigh.
then on tues it is back to school, which means back to the papers!!!!arhhhhhhhhh! ): I hate it when we're happily dreaming away and then reality strikes back, hard. sigh.
I still haven't completed my holiday to-do list. guess any kind of to do list is always hard to fulfill. or maybe cause I always set such high standards. hehh.

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March 20, 2008 @ 11:30:00 PM

before the clock strikes 12...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
well, you're 18 now!and out of that 18yrs you have been an awesome awesome awesome friend for the past million years (: don't know how many years of friendship and still going strong!yea!so thankful to have you in pj with me, cause its only the mornings that are fun- cause like you know, I get to see you before school. ooh all the many surprises that cheers me up!really, without you I don't know if I could bear school at all!you one of my rare sources that reminds me of mg when I'm still stuck at pj.haha. ooh the times when I sat next to you, totally unforgetable!!oh, and obs!scary!never will forget the kayak expedition!I have had so many memorable & fun fun times with you! I hope this birthday was a good one for you!finally got to spend it with you, on the day itself :D JAISH LOVES CHAR ALOT!!!!
well well, apart from it being char's birthday ( and quite alot of other people's birthdays as well!) it was also the end of the disgusting common tests!!yay!!the happy thing about common tests is that its over and I don't have to think about it for the next 4 days. well the exams were bad bad, especially physics!so disappointing. no point worrying/complaining now cause it isn't going to change anything, so lets talk about happy stuff!
I went to town to collect my phone! finally!!
then we went to the glasshouse fish&co for char's surprise birthday party! (: char had to do the stand on chair and blow out candles thing, but she cheated cause she bent down. haha. my mini surprise for char at the traffic light( before history paper) didn't really work out cause she saw me throw my matchstick!wasted! I can never seem to do the whole surprise cake thing properly. haha. last year was even more funny when ale banged into the pillar holding char's muffin,the wind kept blowing away the fire and made it so difficult to light it up. and the worst part, char could hear us trying to light the candle!!haha.
everytime I eat at fish & co with char, we end up sharing. but we were so full!! still feel very bloated over the amount of food I ate today. the chocolate cake I ate was nice, but it tastes very familiar. I know I ate it someplace, but can't remember when or where.haha.
anyways, so this is what happened for char's birthday and my today! pictures not me, so no pictures for now.
I have decided to enjoy my next 4 days of unofficial holidays because I realised that it is going to be the longest holiday in a long time to come! so must use them wisely!haha. if only I would organise my studying time as efficiently as my holidays. haha.
this is my list of things to do ( for the holidays!!) ok more like my cravings ya.

- 10 000 bc yes, I heard it sucks, but I still want to watch it. I hardly or more like never desire to watch all these action packed movies, so I'm quite surprised at my sudden craving to watch this

- august rush seems very touching and sweet, but razia said the reviews weren't too good, so not too sure now.

- grace is gone only playing at GV vivo, but it seems like one of the moving tales.

- leap years?this one I'm not too sure. although it seems all oh so lovely, the way li lin looks there is quite errm weird, can't bring myself to see her like that, just too funny. seems interesting though, but abit predictable.

so anyone who want to watch these movies and you're free and want to spend some quality time with me.haha. ok ok enough nonsense, aiyah anyone free to watch any of these movies?

there!my list of to-dos!if only studying was as easy as playing. haha.

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March 16, 2008 @ 9:54:00 PM

oh pls pls pls help me to get through this ordeal!!! )':

that awful feeling in my throat and that knot in my tummy just doesn't seem to go away.

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March 14, 2008 @ 11:14:00 PM

jaish is happy!

you know why? cause I met up with 2 people who I missed oh so dearly.

like finally met up with the 2 of them today. After our friday rituals got interrupted by the meetings, I hardly got to see them both ): the last I met wenz was the friday I (almost) lost my wallet ( which was really long ago!) and xiang, the last I saw her was the emo monday. But that meeting on monday was a coincidence and doesn't really count. so the proper time I last saw xiang was CNY ( which was also a really long time ago!more than a month!!) I finally gave them their v'day gifts ( so yes, can you'll imagine how long I haven't met them!)

so yep, we finally managed to meet up!I was really happy! I haven't laughed or been so delighted in a really long time, and the meet up with them really did make my day, week, month. haha. being with them just brings back old memories, reminds me of how fun mg was, how much I miss it. I know I will never be able to feel anything close to that in pj.

the two of them were so nice to come down to al ameen to eat dinner cause I was too reluctant to go to town. like wenz, she came all the way from amk! ( but she was late by an hour.haha)

the food was yum yum too! naan, butter chicken,chicken fried rice & teh o! though we didn't have the usual cheese prata, the food we ordered was filling and yummy. the only thing that spolied our appetite was the gross amount of flies! yuck. so swey, when I sat down on the chair, some stupid big bug which looked like a bee ( I'm hoping it wasn't!) stung me!!!!!so freaking painful. it was on the chair but I didn't see it, so I sat on it. very very very very painful!! ): now I have this disgusting and PAINFUL bump on my thigh. urgh.

but it still was a fun fun night! (: love you two alot!!! pictures will be up after wenz uploads them!

now that xiang is going to move, we must find a new hang out place!haha, no more toa pah yoh. lets go to newton to eat!

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March 9, 2008 @ 3:49:00 PM

today is "jaishree gets cheated" day ):
awful awful awful awful awful.

first, my tutor who was supposed to come at 11, didn't come. I waited for him. hmpf. but actually, no regrets on not having tuition,just that I wasted my morning waiting for him. wasted morning becomes a wasted day. sundays are really lazy sundays for me.sigh, nothing productive ever happens on sunday!that is why mondays are very regretful.

ok, other than my tutor cheating me, my mother & sister cheated me too!!!!!!!we were meant to go shopping today. It was already planned last week, but they didn't keep to their promises. It rained around 12plus, so they didn't want to leave yet. so by 2 we were supposed to have left. but my dear mother decides that it would be tiresome to go out. she also said that since she has to go to my aunt's place later, she would be too tired if she went out in the afternoon as well. its just not fair!!!I badly wanted to go out.

I think my mom felt alittle bad for cancelling, so she tried persuading my sister to go out with me. did it work? noooooooo. cause my wonderful sister isn't in the mood to go out and she doesn't see the point in just the 2 of us going, when it was supposed to be the 3 of us. the reason she agreed to go to town is cause she wants to watch that water horse or don't know what movie. I don't want to watch it. so I asked to her come along to town with me, just to jalan jalan, but she still doesn't want to come!! "it'd be too crowded" hello, when is town not crowded!? I need to go to PS collect my phone ( yes, it is finally fixed!!) but I don't want to go alone.

argh, it so unfair. I feel so cheated.

I feel so whinyyy. I feel whinyyy because I got cheated.

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March 8, 2008 @ 4:57:00 PM

new layout. something is wrong with the wishes link. since I suck at all these IT related stuff, I will just let it be. but if anyone wants to help satisfy my wishes, just ask and I'll gladly tell! (:

oh yes, today is women's day!!!
so happy women's day!proud to be one (:

you know, today at the gym, mei,me and this other lady were talking. we were talking about the difference between co-ed schools and single sex schools. since, I was in MG for 10 whole years, I naturally supported single sex schools. there is a whole lot of difference. after coming to jc, I still think being in a single sex is way more fun. ( yes, other people have their different opinions)

Being in an all girls school for 10 years of my life has taught me to be more independent. like when I went for OBS sabah ( we had to go with all the other schools. it was a mixed camp, like not all girls lah.) I couldn't stand the fact that the other girls in my group were so dependent on the guys to do every single thing. I went to OBS singapore with MG and we had no guys, we did all the stuff by ourselves, so why must it be different at sabah!? it was very sexist. when we went for the homestay, the guys slept while we, girls had to cook. how traditional!!the guys also refused to carry the pots and pans. annoying!in the end, carried the pots and the pans. shouldn't have, cause I kept slipping down the muddy hill and everytime I fell( which was like every 10minutes) there was this cling clang noise which followed. anyways, I was just pissed off by the fact that the stupid guys in my group were so sexist. I don't see many differences in guys and girls ( ok, apart from the physical appearances,there maybe other minor differences too.) but girls aren't inferior to guys! you don't need guys for every single thing you know!

like, the guys carrying the girls handbags thing. if your bag is so heavy, that you can't carry it yourself and actually need a guy to carry it, then why carry it out in the first place right!? sickening.

I guess its like after being in an all girls school for 10years, coming to a co-ed school is indeed a cultural shock. like in the beginning, when 2 of my friends ( one guy and a girl. I shan't say who, but I think they might remember it.) and I went out, the girl expected the guy to go pay for us. WHY!?why should he do that?!we are all students, we are all friends, why must we make someone pay for us? in the first place, he didn't offer to pay ( I don't see why he should pay) so why make him pay right? sigh.

I dislike all this double standard-ness. it is especially evident in indian families ( or maybe, it is just my grandmother and aunt :P ) my grandmother was quite unhappy that I was out quite late ( it was only a rare rare rare time) but she doesn't mind my cousin( GUY!!!) staying out so late. hello!?is it any safer, just because he is a guy!? guys too get raped and kidnapped and what not.

sigh, I just feel that because we are girls, it doesn't mind we are inferior.why should we limit ourselves? come on, stand on your own two feet, you don't need a guy to do every single thing for you!!!!!

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March 6, 2008 @ 7:51:00 PM

pls be honoured, I put up such a pretty photo of you and an unglam photo of me!!haha. I couldn't find any other photo, so this would have to do.


thank you soo much for all the fun,laughter and gossips. especially during pw!! it was super duper great having you in pw group! you guys made pw fun and bearable!all the times we spent together, I miss them. we still have yet to go on our food spree and you haven't shown us the east yet. haha.anyways, thank you for being a darling darling friend. you are one of the people who make pj alittle bit better. haha. jaish loves preethi!! (:

gp paper tomorrow!yuck yuck. gp is such a pain ( especially after our new teacher :/ )

well, with tomorrow's gp paper, common tests start!!!so fast eh? time does fly. haha. I'm I shall stop.

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March 3, 2008 @ 9:02:00 PM

Daniel Powter's Bad Day

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oh.. Holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day

doesn't this song tell it all?

because I'm tone deaf, I cannot sing and make my already horrible day any better. If I were to sing, it would only make me feel more depressed. haha.

thank goodness for char's surprise in the morning( my beautiful magic wand!) and the surprise ride back with xiang after school ( yep, after damn damn long I finally managed to see xiang. we just happen to coincidentally meet on the bus) or else today would have been far worse, like as though it couldn't have been any worse. must also be partly cause of the weather. so gloomy and dark, ruins my whole mood. sigh.

Partly, I want common tests to be over, cause only then I can meet up with people who I miss so dearly!! (:

but I realised that there are many others who are suffering even more than me, so I should be complaining over trivial matters. so I shall TRY to be more optimistic!somehow. yes, I can do this!

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