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December 23, 2007 @ 9:45:00 PM

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....

yippee yippee yay yay Christmas is coming in just 2 days!!!I'm kinda excited! (: but when I think of Christmas, I think of how I have to go back to school ): yuck. I love this stress free slacking days. if only I could be a homemaker!but I need money, so I can't be a homemaker. I need money to buy new new stuff!saw all the shopping links on char's blog. my oh my!

I want new tote bags. but its dangerous!cause I think carrying the tote bag( filled with the heavy worksheets, GC and the darn history books.) has made my one shoulder lower than the other :/ I thought it wasn't so obvious.sadly, it is. when I went to the gym, the instructor was trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with the darn arm machine, then she pointed out that one arm of mine was longer than the other :/ no more heavy totes for me!!backpack next year!but I still want tote for going out. hehh.

anyways, the holidays are coming to an end very soon and I'm quite sad that I didn't get to meet up with some people. also, I feel so bad for procrastinating my my holiday was quite unproductive.isn't it the same every year. sighh. whatever I promised to do if I were to get promoted, I didn't do it.

enough rambling. I'm getting bored and sleepy. have to go and watch gossip girl!xoxo. haha.

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December 19, 2007 @ 12:16:00 PM

I got this email about horoscope and I think its quite true except for the physical discriptions.heh. I forwarded it to some of you'll. go read it and see if its true! (:


A slim moderately tall woman.( ok not true) Taurus woman is funny and a jolly person. Square facial bone structure, high cheek bone. (not true) Her round big eyes sparkle with wit and curiosity. You will not see many round faces Taurus women,(I guess I'm of the only ones with fat round faces.) and mainly she will have a strong jaw line.

She is a constantly change person. If she up sets, she will not show it and will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them so well. If she gets really mad at you, you will suddenly become a totally and completely stranger to her.

She is a patient person, but always need new excitement. She hates long talk meeting, long and endless conversation. She can be in love with you today, and one day she could act as if she has never loved you before. She has patient with what she wants to do and will never give up until she gets there. She will be very persistent in what she is doing till she has reasons for stopping her project, then she will quit. (hmm,quite true)

Money for Taurus woman is not the most important factor in life. (yes, food more important!haha) She thinks of money as an instrument for assuring of a good living. She has more satisfaction in achieving her goals more than satisfaction in fine cloths and luxuries. If you like a woman who always thinks of love and romance ,then you are dating the wrong girl. You can not tell her to stay at home, she likes to work(maybe) and preferred not work at home.

She loves animals and likes to surround by animals. (I'm scared of most animals!) Love is in her head, but Freedom is in her soul. She has her own idea about love and afraid to show her true feeling for fear of rejection. She is not the type to talk about love, but she sure has a strange way to show it. She is not good in showing when she is in love, but if she loves you she will be honest to you than any other women.

She will be honest to her love one, but at the same time seems distant. You will have a good relationship with her, if you allow her freedom. Do not force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to. She will be different than other girls, and she thinks different is one of her unique quality. She is a public figure but belongs to no one.She will not stay with you, if she thinks you are not sincere. She likes you to have personality, but better not to compete with her. Loves her, but not too much for she afraid it will limiting her freedom.

She always stand out of the crowd for something she dares to do. You could see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant, or dress like a nun in an a cocktail dress party. If you are a politician who are looking for a wife, she will make a good one because she is cleverly smart and she could get along socially with any type of crowds.

She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before accepting you in her life. She has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now you are flirting with someone else. If you keep a distant from her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more. Even when she is dating you, she also able to fond of someone else, if you do not have something she is looking for. She will never disappoint you or hide behind your back to make you loose face, but she is the type who just going to tell you to your face that " We're better off breaking up".

She always remember her first love. Taurus woman holds the best record for divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, but every things should be done for "Happiness".

She has lots of friends and sure of herself, so you will hardly see she delays any of her thoughts before her action. If she think of something, she will go ahead and does it. She has many men wanting her for her constant changes is the challenge. She can be cute and funny, but suddenly cool and tough. She has her own style of dressing up, so you could see her dress like an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dress like she comes from Mars. She will have that interesting hair, dress and a look unique from anyone else.

She likes to learn about your dreams and your thought. She has fun teasing you and making jokes. If she did something wrong, she won't hide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it. She hates to owe people money and take promise seriously. If you promise to pay her back, you'd better paid up. (so whoever owes me money,PAY ME!!haha)

If you want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous or possessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about nonsense or small and insignificant matters. Try to likes her friends and let she has her privacy, then she can be very sweet to you.

so how is it true?what do you'll think?

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December 17, 2007 @ 9:23:00 PM

okays, update time!went out everyday this whole weekend, including today. its going to be a long picture post, so beware!hehh.

sun 16th dec- b4 dinner at the vilage

okays, I'm lazy to upload all the photos, its on facebook lah. anyways, although I was sick, I still nice right. cause I love b4 & mg!!! (: its just so fun to be in an all girls school. no one cares about looks or whatever.
speaking of looks, urgh, today, I did the most upseting thing ever. me and my big mouth suggested to my sister that we should do something drastic or whatever and go getour hair cut. It was a big mistake! ): when just my hair started looking decent and normal, I went to cut it off and now it looks awful beyond awful!!! )': I've never cried over a hairstyle in the longest time and I just did today. sigh, sch's starting in 2 weeks and I'm praying real hard that my hair grows to look normal. my hair takes FOREVER to grow!!! ):

sat 15 dec-late lunch/tea with santhiya

haha I thought the effect looked cool
she bent down to try and be my height.
my tallest girl friend!!!she is like a whole head taller!mind you she was wearing flats.
went to drop off the christmas tree at my uncle's store. then I took a train down to bugis and waited for santhiya. yepp, for once I was the earlier one!went to guardian to buy mineral water and that awful lady cheated my money!!luckily I was smart enough to get back the correct change. hmpf. we walked to arab street and drank copi and ate curry puffs.walked around arab street and then we went to haji lane. but then it started raining cats and dogs and we were trapped at haji lane. finally we used my awful conditioned umbrella to walk back to bugis junction. the umbrella was like of no use lah. then we decided to take a train to city hall. we went to marina square and walked around.we went for the mango sale, but it was too crowded and nothing caught our eyes. then we went to the foodcourt and sat down cause we were really tired. I bought waterchestnuts to satisfy my waterchestnut crave, but it was damn disgusting!! then we left. it was really good to meet up with her. like its just so easy to talk to her (: I miss her & tamil class!!!but of course, not the other people. they did not play a significant role in my life. oh and she bought me my body shop gloves!! (:

friday 14th dec - out with char, sher,wenz,

shisha mama!look at wenz's shocked face!haha.
since char puts up my unglam photos, I had to put up at least one unglam photo of her!ha.

we had dinner at clarke quay!we ate at a jap restaurant, which name I can't seem to remember. then we walked around, bumped into my cousin who was working that night. sher and wenz wanted to shisha, so we walked all the way to boat quay. char and I died from the walk there cause both our heels were killing us. thank goodness for char, or else I don't know how I would have managed to walk there or survive the shisha. yep, we went to shisha. I didn't like it and I don't think I'd ever do it again. yea, at first it was exciting when I tried it. seemed all fun and stuff. but no, I didn't really like the whole thing, made my throat so itchy. char's dad dropped the 3 of us at cine and I tooked a really crowded bus home. I didn't manage to press the bell in time and ended up walking alot more to my house.I got so tired and sleepy. I reached home close to 12 and was really shocked pa didn't say anything. if ma was home, I would have been dead lah. I got so hungry from all the exhaustion and I binged on left over curry at 1am :/ but still dinner with them was fun. all the camwhoring. haha. oh, wenz made us all wear dresses.I looked gross in dresses and doesn't help that I put on weight over the holidays.

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December 13, 2007 @ 3:44:00 PM

argh, my laggy computer is getting on my nerves. and its even more annoying that only I find it laggy. when the others ( as in my family members) use it, its perfectly fine. I hate it!!!its not fair that all the electronic devices at home, don't listen to me and worse, spoil when I'm using it.

went to town with sherrrrrrr today!!!seems so long since I last saw her. if only she had stayed. oh wells. anyways, she was so sure I would be late, but I wasn't. ha!I'm not always late, although I am most of the time. and the pitiful ones like razia, always end up waiting for me all the time. ya, I just realised, every time I met her, I was late :/ anyways, we had ya kun kaya toast!!talked talked talked then we went to the MANGO SALE!!!it was crazy!I didn't expect it to be this crowded. people kept pushing lah!but it was worth it cause I found a pretty top and it was very very cheap!oh and I managed to get my sister a cheap Christmas gift. you know I thought the double storey mango crowd was bad, but the one at taka was even worse!!!there was clothes strewn all over the floor and people kept stepping over them. I tell you, if Singaporeans had to save their lives from going to sales, they would never die!!!quoting sher, they act as if "they never see clothes before!" she said that the vip mango sale yesterday was also bad, as in the stuff was good but the crowd was awful!

oh and you know, before we entered the double storey mango, they put our bags into a big bag of white plastic bag and then fastened it. such a waste of plastic bags. I hope they reuse them. but the stupid handle of the bag left ugly marks on my arm. urgh.

I want to go back again, can't get enough of it!but my bank balance is restricting me to do so. I am actually quite amazed how I managed to survive with so little money. I went to town consecutively last week. like on thurs,fri and sat. then I went back to town today, would be going for dinner to clarke quay on friday with char,sher & wenz. sat I would be meeting santhiya after oh so long!!!finally, our plans have been confirmed and we're meeting up (: whatever happened to our "we shall meet every month!!!" plans.hehh. then sun, 4 class dinner at vilage. mon gyming with my sister. and finally something useful, studying on wed with razia. and before next fri, I must try and squeeze in a day to meet up with shiuan, retard and maybe few others.

ma is coming back on sat night!! (: I miss her!!you know, I called her that day and I asked her if she misses me, and she said NO!so evil. I'm sure she's lying. she still can give excuses, don't know what, she is so busy with the course and have no time to miss us.hmpf.

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December 8, 2007 @ 10:04:00 AM

thank you for being a really really good good friend to me, always being there for me.a shoulder to cry on, awwww! I can always turn to you.obs sabah, guides, MI and everyday in MG, you were always there,helping me pull through. I miss seeing you everyday lah! ): but we still can have our prata/food dates and the un-intentional meet ups at the shell bus stop. another year in jc and we can go back to being school mates!haha.really hope you were pleasantly surprised ytd and hope you loved it all,although it was very last minute and not fantastic. something nicer next year ya? :D have loads of fun today!so urgh that we couldn't do everything on the real day today!LOVE YOU LOADS XIANGAROO!!!haha, I miss giving you nicknames!!
xiang, you know your birthday sms, I made a mistake.I typed "I know I can't count on you.." its supposed to be "I know I CAN count on you" hehh.
yepp, xiang's birthday today...but we spent it ytd. shall wait for wenz to upload the photos and then blog about it. poor xiang has trng today. and like when she's free, I'm not. darn.
gotta go shower now. have to go for a party later!!yay!

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December 7, 2007 @ 10:01:00 AM

yay! I'm not a blogging idiot after all!I managed to change my layout all by myself! I never could do that properly, everything would screw up. but the thing is, I don't like my layout. I want something in green, not some lady in red.

another busy busy busy day today. too tired to do many things. sigh.

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December 6, 2007 @ 9:23:00 PM

oh yes, christmas is coming!!!!!!!!!!! (:

although I don't actually feel it yet, I shall do a christmas wish list!!! no, not a to do list. but a wish list! (: I've been good all year round, so please santa, can I have what I wish for?


that is all. oh and of course, good health, a good a level cert and a happy happy happy life.

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@ 9:07:00 PM

oh you know blogger gave me a chance to revive my old blog. the dazzling cow one. yepp, the sec one blog. it was really amusing to read through my old posts. the way I blogged, the awful lingo o typing said as saed and me as mi. gosh!!!terrible!

anyways, went to toa pah yoh to study with char and wenz. obviously we didn't do much studying at all. it was quite unproductive but fun. haha. wah I was so ambitious and brought my ENITRE econs file!!!!I ended up getting a shoulder ache :/

today was a bump-into-everyone-day!!!!yusof ishak saw me at the bus stop, but I didn't see her though. then I saw felicia across the bus stop. then at taka counter, the jeremy guy from owens served me.then few more people from peejay like rathi,rachel. yepp alot of people in one day isn't it.

going to east coast park to meet jen and xiang tomorrow!!! (:

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