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November 29, 2007 @ 8:19:00 PM


shoutouts to the birthday people ( I remember doing this alot of times in sec 2 when blogging was my main priority. haha. )

you'll should be honoured okays. haha. I put up even the most ugliest picture of me cause you'll look nice in it.
happy happy birthday my lovelist retard, there is no other bigger retard than you, but I still love you to the max!!!! and I know you love me too!haha. I miss the fun fun and entertaining days we had together, although they were damn short.all the bubbles time!haha. hope you have fun today!who ask you to be stuck in camp today!!we actually were going to plan something for you! anyways, we still have yet to have our study date with shiuan!

happy birthday razia bazia! (: its still kinda shocking how I've known you from "ginah uncle's daughter" to razia-my classmate. I would have never expected it, and I don't think you would have either. From boring tamil class, to physics and as well as running 2.4km, you were always there for me. all the fun & laughter we had with the clique, I'll definitely more year to go!

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November 25, 2007 @ 5:42:00 PM

helloo!another update!

here are the really old photos from the time salt,qian,jo and I met up for ice cream!!! 13 nov I think. we went to island creamery, rotted there and then walked to coro and then back t0 renaldos for fries.

we were being oh so lame.

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November 23, 2007 @ 9:23:00 PM

I feel so lazy to upload the photos :/ and uploading photos on facebook isn't very fast ( or maybe its cause I don't dare use the active X control thing...I think its that stoopid programme that gave me a virus the other I don't dare use it.) darn it!stoopid facebook didn't upload my photos.have to upload the photos from wenz birthday or the rest would kill me soon. maybe I'll just upload it on shutterflyy.

anyways, photos from vann bann outing! I met her ytd after a super duper loong time!I was late..hehh. we went to watch ENCHANTED!!it was good!so sing song and lovely!ooh ooh I finally went to watch a movie at THE CATHAY. exciting you know!haha.

I've never felt so "shy" to camwhore before. maybe cause it was just the two of us and it was funny camwhore-ing when it was kind of crowded. oh wells, at least we managed to take a few photos. but gosh, I looked DISGUSTING on all the photos!!!vann bann looked pretty and I looked like a constipated duck next to her. sighh. luckily very very few people know of my blog, so they cannot find my embarrassing pictures. phewww.

peeenk christmas tree!

after don't know how many attempts, we managed to take a successful photo on the elevat0r!
gross gross back view

vann bann! we shall go burn off those fats together and go shop again. ytd's shopping trip wasn't very successful eh.

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November 22, 2007 @ 10:01:00 PM

haha xiang looks so hilarious there! i look sad and grumpy
I look eew!

pictures from wenz birthday!heavily loaded with pictures. i think there are like 35 pictures. goshh, the rest better love me for painstaking-ly uploading the photos. like that time when clique went to the zoo...the pictures...woah. haha.

anyways, the surprise went quite well. but thats cause wenz is soo blur. haha. I accidentally said "char" when she called and still that blurr wenz had no clue about the surprise!when I striked the candle, gosh all the smoke went up my nose...I was so chocked!haha. when wenz screamed out in joy, this two old aunties at the back were sort of shouting/scolding us
for making too much noise. aiyah, can't help it rights. who has a quiet birthday anyways!?

glad wenz loved the presents plus surprise. ooh ooh the cupcake was baked by xiang. I got one too!and it was yummy! (:
ok doneeee. hmmm wasn't so bad after all!

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